Ab0uT M3

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I am a boy who born down to the earth to enjoy the nature of the world.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

11 October 2009- Sunday - Sunny

Today i didn't sleep the whole nite since last night i sleep until 11.00 pm. After have my 5 in 1 meal, i just watch DIE again the whole night besides watching Naruto. Around 5.30am, my friend called me and say that he will be ready in 15 min. As i say yesterday, i have to bring one of my friend go to LCCT as he want to take plane back to Johor. It was 600am and he say he is ready and we start our journey. He say that he had to be fast because his flight is 7.10am which means he have to check in before 6.30am. So i let him drive my car and we go to Petronas to pump extra oil just in case not enough. At 6.32am, we reach LCCT and he run for check in while i wait for him. Although it is late, but lucikily he manage to stop the counter guy before he go away. So i continue my journey back to Cyberjaya again and on the way i stop to pump my tire. After reach my home at Cyberjaya, i packed up my clothes and stuffs that i need to bring back and have a quick bath before go back. at around 8am, i start my journey back to Melaka. On the way to Kajang toll, i missed the turn and have to go further to U turn it and come back to the right way again. around 8.35am, i passed the Kajang Toll and start my journey back. There are little of car in the morning since it is sunday morning. As there are less cars, my speed keep on increase till 140km/j. But i din realise it and continue at the speed. Since i didn't sleep the whole night, i keep on feel sleepy and try to be awke. I can feel that my car keep on move to the right and left. Finally i use my Ipod to listen to music so that i wont feel so sleepy. Finally i can't tahan and i stop at the Pedas rest stop pit for some refreshment before continue my journey. At around 9.30 am, i reach Melaka. In 1 hour, i have reached Melaka which means that my driving speed is around 140km/j. This is my first time drive so fast. Around 9.45am, i reached home and unpacked all my stuffs from cars and eat my mom's sandwich while sitting in front of computer again. After awhile, i felt sleepy and go to bed for my nap. Sleep at home is the best and make me sleep until around 3.30pm. I wake up and have my lunch and continue watch my DIE. At 6 smtg, i go watch "i am not stupid" in NTV7 since i watched DIE till bored. At 8pm, i ate my dinner while continue watch my drama till now. By the way, While watching drama i also got comment on the Langkawi photos. Just now while watching tv, my mom saw me playing with my ipod and ask me whether i changed new handphone. She is so funny that she say" hey, u changed ur hp again ar? Waste money sumore la." Then i say "No la, this is not hp la. This is ipod." Then she replied" Huh, how much u buy ar? how u buy wor? Waste money sumore lo. Buy for wat. just can listen to music." Then i say " No leh, this can online ar, listen music ar, watch movie ar. and many more. Then she just shake her head and i just smile at her. So my mom know that i have ipod already which is a safe shot. So that is what i do for today. At home, i have to sleep early everyday so after 1am u wont saw me on9 or even 12am u wont saw me already. I am looking forward for tomorrow. What interesting things will happen to me.

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