Ab0uT M3

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I am a boy who born down to the earth to enjoy the nature of the world.

Friday, October 16, 2009

16 October 2009 - Friday - Sunny

Today is the day i sleep till late afternoon. I wake up at 12.30pm which is the time to have my breakfast and lunch. My Brunch.. Hoho.. While eating, i watched one movie since i don't have any drama to watch already. At 2.30pm, since finish watching my movie and nothing to do, i went to sleep again. At first can't sleep but after awhile i fall asleep. Around 3.50pm i wake up and prepared myself for gym again. Today i didn't drive because got friend bring me go. Hehe.. We exercise till 5.30pm and went home. When i reached home, it is the right time for me to watch tv until 8pm besides bath and makan dinner. After that, i just sit in front of computer and write the diary for yesterday because yesterday forget to write it. Later 9pm going out again for movie with friends. Don't need drive somemore, Haha.. Basically today my day just gone like that. Nothing much happen.

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